Remaining or Cut Off

Read Proverbs 2:11-22 (SOAP: 21-22)

For the upright will live in the land,
    and the blameless will remain in it;
22 but the wicked will be cut off from the land,
    and the unfaithful will be torn from it.

Proverbs 2:21-22 NLT

This section of reading makes it clear that righteous living, that which is based on the wisdom of God, is better than those who live in perverse ways, delighting in doing wrong and rejoicing in evil. Solomon concludes this section of sayings with pointed instruction to “walk in the ways of the good and keep to the paths of the righteous”. Why? Because he knows that these are the people who will obtain and dwell in the land the LORD had promised long ago. “Dwelling in the land” was a phrase known as a great reward in that day because it indicated that they were heirs to the promises of God. (see Genesis 12; 2 Samuel 7:16) He also understood that those who were unfaithful – who chose to not follow the ways of wisdom would forever be “cut off from the land”. From Solomon’s instruction and words of warning it is clear Solomon wanted more for his “son” than this.

Through faith in Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son, I am a child of God. Because I have believed He has made me an heir and I have a share in the promises and blessings of God’s people. (Galatians 3:17-29; 4:4-7 and Hebrews 3:12-14)Like Solomon, I must be faithful to tell my children and the generations to follow what God desires and what He has promised.

 So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.

Galatians 4:7
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