Grounded in the Word

Holy Spirit, the Father sent you as my Advocate, my helper— to teach me everything and remind you of everything Jesus taught or told His disciples. Please help me open the Word faithfully and understand it so that I walk/live in a manner pleasing to the Father and correctly explain the Word of Truth to others. Help me to faithfully hide the Word in my heart so that I might not sin against You. Unveil the treasures of God’s Word in my heart and let them shine from me as light and flow from my tongue as encouragement and blessings to all around me. In Jesus’ sweet and mighty name, I pray – amen!

Protective Measures

If we choose to pursue Christ and grow in our faith and relationship with Him we must heed Peter’s counsel and make every effort to add to our faith these six traits or qualities

No Excuses

We’ve all got weaknesses when it comes to living a godly life – and for every weakness, there is almost always an excuse just waiting to be offered up. The thing is the excuses don’t hold any credibility in the light of Peter’s teaching and God’s gift.

Don’t miss that Peter didn’t work alone. He partnered with Silvanus to do the work God had called him to do.

One Day

Sin and suffering have left us broken, and we will not be fully restored this side of eternity. However, at the right time, God will restore all things, including us.

Just Say No

We can become so caught up in the day-to-day cares and/or pleasures of life that our physical and spiritual senses are dulled. This makes us easy prey for the enemy, which is exactly what he’s counting on and waiting for.

Perspective in Suffering

Peter’s explanation is that it is a badge of honor, so to speak, to suffer for the cause of Christ, saying: “If you are insulted because you bear the name of Christ, you will be blessed, for the glorious Spirit of God rests upon you.”

A Heavenly Perspective

Peter’s words are not meant to paralyze us with fear but to ignite a holy urgency within us. He urges us to live our lives with a heavenly perspective, knowing that our time here is but a breath in light of eternity.