A Heavenly Perspective

Peter’s words are not meant to paralyze us with fear but to ignite a holy urgency within us. He urges us to live our lives with a heavenly perspective, knowing that our time here is but a breath in light of eternity.

A Call to Holy Living

Friends, if we are not intentional with our thoughts, we will lose sight of the HOPE God has given us in and through Jesus! Faith and obedience require attention and determination; dare I say – they require work.

Be The Difference

Even if there is only one who is lost, we are to seek them out – we are to be the light that helps them find their way; and we are to rejoice over them when they are found.

Sin’s Requirement

Clearly, if our desire is to live (abide) in Christ, who is the Truth, then we must own up to our sins, confessing them before God who is faithful to not only forgive us but to cleanse us from “all of our all unrighteousness.”

You Made Me Bold

Like Esther, we must remember who we are in Christ. Regardless of our place in this world, we must remember that we are in a relationship with a wonderful and loving God who has invited us to call out to Him –