A Faithful and Enduring Love

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for His loyal love endures. Psalm 136:1

Today’s passage of Scripture is not new to me. Morning after morning my prayer journal entry begins with: “Father, You are good …”. The words that follow are never the same, sometimes they flow from a thought prompted by a song, or a particular praise, or an attribute of God, and sometimes from another verse or passage of Scripture. Often, that Scripture has been Psalm 136:1, though typically I write it from the NIV version which says: “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, For His love endures forever”. I have recently started reading from the NET translation which exchanges “His love endures forever” with “His loyal love endures.” The word ‘loyal’ struck me as a very strong word – a word bearing the same weight as forever – yet some how with a deeper, richer implication.

Check out this list of synonyms associated with the word loyal: faithful, true, tried and true, devoted, constant, steadfast, dependable, reliable, trusted, trustworthy, unchanging, unwavering, unswerving, dedicated, committed, firm, stable, steady, and unfailing. Yes, and amen! That is my God! I can trust Him because throughout my lifetime He has been tried and true, proven reliable and trustworthy. I have learned repeatedly, through experience, the truth of the statement – “when you can’t see His hand trust His heart”. I can testify to the truth that He is unfailing and dependable and committed to the relationship we have as Father and daughter. When I disappoint Him His love is stable and unswerving, He does not turn away from me but with unwavering devotion He pursues me. Suddenly, I have a fresh understanding and appreciation for this verse and I am moved with the Psalmist to give thanks to the God of gods, my God, whose loyal love endures.

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3 years ago

God is so good to all of us, we need to be mindful of his word so we can understand how he wants us to apply his word to our lives.

3 years ago

God is good all the time and all the time God is good. Sounds simple but the depth of that goodness has no end. He is mine and I am His – hallelujah.